Legal Question in Real Estate Law in New York

Revocable License Agreement

This is a condo in Ny. Our board has recently changed our parking from non-designated to designated. Our Plans call for the carport areas (limited common elements) to recieve their undiveded interest in the parking as Part of their interest when purchasing the carport. We are 80 units, the plans call for 130 parking spaces 80- 1 for each unit and 50 free spaces. The total number of spaces includes the parking inside the carports. They have given the carport owners an extra parking space. Carport owners 2 all others 1. We have not received any license agreement as of yet and the boards attorney says this can only be done by a revocable license agreement. We as a few unit owners beleive this is taking away our right to use the spaces as before, it definatly takes away our right to use the 20 spaces used before by the carport owners forcing us to walk much furthur. Would a revocable license have to be approved by the landowners? (Us)? Wouldn't this need to be a vote of units and ammended to our documents? There is no mention in the minutes about the rev-license or how this would be accomplished we were just sent a letter stating the parking has been changed. Should we consider furthur counsel? Thanks for any info. SH

Asked on 11/10/03, 12:58 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

R. Freeth Silverman Sclar Shin & Byrne

Re: Revocable License Agreement

In answer to your questions about further counse, Yes.

All other questions will depend on the condo "plan" or purchase contract.

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Answered on 11/11/03, 3:26 pm

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