Legal Question in Real Estate Law in New York

Steps to nullify a contract?

I'm looking to move to attempt to nullify a land sale contract. I am the seller, and believe I have been subjected to ''misrepresentation'' by the buyer and have

make a honest ''mistake'' regarding the returning of the

deposit. What steps are necessary in order go to court

for a judgement to have this contract nullified?

Asked on 11/02/05, 1:17 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

David Slater David P. Slater, Esq.

Re: Steps to nullify a contract?

You would need to bring a declaratory judgment action to deem the contract void. You will need legal reasons for it and a unitlateral honest mistake is not one of them.

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Answered on 11/02/05, 1:38 pm
Seth Kaufman Kaufman PLLC

Re: Steps to nullify a contract?

It depends on the terms of the contract and other details regarding the transaction. As the Seller, you can try returning the deposit to the Buyer, who might then bring an action for specific performance. You should consult with an attorney as soon as possible and before doing anything that would prejudice your rights or render you in default.

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Answered on 11/06/05, 7:25 am

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