Legal Question in Sexual Harassment in New York

My manager alludes to my coworkers that he and I have a relationship

I have filed a grievance @ work against

the chair of my department.

Throughout my employment he has

made things excessively difficult and

led people tp believe that he and I were

boyfriend and girlfriend. If someone

tells people that you were dating/

sleeping together when you weren't - is

this sexual harassment? There was a

time in our history when he asked me

out and I said no. He has also made

some creepy comments that I just

chalked up to him being weird and

socially awkward. The panel is

questioning my claim and if it is really

sexual harassment. Thanks!

Asked on 11/07/06, 9:10 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jason Stern Law Offices of Jason Stern

Re: My manager alludes to my coworkers that he and I have a relationship

This type of case is extremely fact-specific, and I cannot give you advice without knowing more information. A lot of your description is based upon hearsay (things you haven't seen or heard for yourself). I would recommend that if you are serious about pursuing this matter, you come in for a consultation. Please contact me via email.

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Answered on 11/07/06, 2:45 pm

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