Legal Question in Traffic Law in New York
Do I have a case
I was pulled over on 2/7/04 on my way home by a NY STATE trooper. Said i was doing 59 in a 45. I told him I was doing 55, which I was because I was at the point on the rada where I was about 100+ feet from the 55 sign, so technically I was speeding for about 100+ feet. He then pulled me over and I had beer on the front seat that I just bought to bring home and he started giving me a hard time for buying it by stating ''where are you going a party.'' Then was giving me attidue and a hard time. Then he gave me what is called a ''deposition'', at the time I did not know what it was and when i asked him what it was all he said was ''you will have to fill one out anyways,'' and that was it and I was on my way with a ticket and a deposition stating that I said I was speeding and doing 55. Is there any legal isses here or can a lawyer help me out at all?
Thank You
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Do I have a case
You have the possibility of a plea bargain which might either eliminate the points or at least reduce the points and charges on your driving record. With the facts you have written it's difficult to offer any other advise, however if you would call my office with more information I might be able to assist you further. I can be reached @718-834-0087 ,by the way I'm a former Traffic Court Judge.
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