Legal Question in Traffic Law in New York
Entrapment and the Police
As I was driving today, I noticed that several of the other drivers going the opposite way were flashing their headlights at me, as if to warn me of something. About a half hour later, I returned home on the same highway. Only then, as I traveled back the way I was going, did I notice a State Trooper neatly tucked behind bushes and signs. This cop was not visible at all to me on my way through the first time. I was later told that a driver must be able to see a cop from a certain distance away, and if that is not possible, and one is pulled over, it is considered entrapment. In the state of New York, do state police (or any police) have to remain visible to drivers or can they in fact ''hide'' completely? If they are hidden and do assign a speeding ticket, can one argue entrapment? Thank you for your time.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Entrapment and the Police
Are they hidden, or did you not see them. You just stated that you saw them; so how is this entrapment? I am certain that your advise was a bit misguided.
Good Luck
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