Legal Question in Traffic Law in New York

time differences between clocks


I got a Parking Ticket in NYC for parking in a NO Parking zone where you are not allowed to park mon-fri from 4:00 PM -7:00PM and I parked there before 4 o'clock when I got back to my car to pick it up it was 4:00 o'clock on my watch. I found a Traffic Police issuing me a ticket and she wrote on the ticket the time of the offense 4:01 PM


Can I tell the judge the time differences between clocks could account for 1-2 minutes

Is there any legal basis to this argument

I understand that it could be that my time was NOT correct and it was really 4:01 but there is also a possibilty that the agents watch was not corret or even it is correct can i argue that a human being is intitled to a 2 minute mistake??


Asked on 3/04/04, 12:14 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert Evans Robert S. Evans esq.

Re: time differences between clocks

The answer is yes the Judge will most likely allow a 1 minute grace period.

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Answered on 3/04/04, 12:56 pm

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