Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in New York

Information regarding beneficiaries of accounts.

Father recently passed on and had bank accounts and stock that he mentioned to my mother in a metting between them week prior. He was divorced from my mother and remarried. He then remarried, but divorced years prior to his death. Daughter from second marriage called and asked for our families names and numbers to give to the lawyer. We never heard anything since. Daughter from second marriage states she is sole beneficiary. Ex-wife claims they were never divorced when in fact they were. My questions are:

1. How do I find out who is beneficiary on said accounts?

2. If beneficiary stated do I and other family children from first marriage have any claims.

3. Can we request that other family present documentation proving they are sole benficary and how do we go about it..

Guidence in this matter appreciated.

Asked on 2/05/02, 9:52 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Daniel Clement Law Offices of Daniel Clement

Re: Information regarding beneficiaries of accounts.

If there is a lawyer "representing" the estate, he would have copies of all the relevant documents. However, it you do not feel that the attorney is respecting your father's wishes, you can retain someone to protect your interests.

Daniel Clement

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Answered on 2/06/02, 9:22 am
Robert Kaplan Robert Kaplan, P.C.

Re: Information regarding beneficiaries of accounts.

First and most practical step is to obtain name of lawyer representing your stepsister. As a professional, he should provide a copy of your father's will, if any, which would be probated in court. If your request is unanswered, you should hire an attorney.

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Answered on 2/05/02, 10:40 pm

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