Legal Question in Workers Comp in New York


have comp lawyers- do not keep me up to date on what's being done. keep calling - waiting for doctors report -what can a lawyer -do to obtain this report -

if judge orders it -how long will judgewait to make an other hearing date or rule with out?

Asked on 8/24/08, 4:45 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jason Kessler Law Offices of Jason B. Kessler, P.C.

Re: lawyers?

I am a workers' compensation lawyer and I can tell you that most compensation firms handle hundreds cases. This creates a situation where the client does not get alot of personal service or attention. Often, clients feel scared, overwhelmed and anxious and do not recieve a call back from their lawyer. That is why I try to give my clients the personal service and attention they deserve.

Now your question is about obtaining your doctor's report. I can tell you that certain doctors are helpful and give comp attorneys reports when requested while with others it is like pulling teeth.

If you are dissatisfied with your lawyer you can email me details about your case. Please tell me what sites of injury your case is established to (ANCR____), what your average weekly wage is (AWW), how many months you have been out of work, your date of accident and whether your doctor recommends that you return to work.



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Answered on 8/24/08, 5:38 pm

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