Legal Question in Workers Comp in New York

workers comp discrimination

here are the facts

1. My case is closed until reopened by wc judge

2. I am also suing my employer for workers comp discrimination

3. They offered to settle out of court

Should i just pursue the lawsuit and forget about the wc case or should I or can I do both. Which is in my best interest? I don't want to jeopardize the lawsuit.

ALso can i go back to light duty work and still recieve wc

payments while on light duty or will this cause a problem.Will they refuse me benifits if i start working again.

will the insurance company (state insurance fund). still pay my medical bills if i settle the lawsuit out of court i have about 3 months worth of physical therapy bills 26 sessions. I would like to start working from home as soon as possible because i have not recieved any money from the insurance company. please help

Asked on 12/12/03, 12:52 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Andrew Nitzberg Andrew Nitzberg & Associates

Re: workers comp discrimination

OK - let me try to start answering the questions.

1) the workers comp claim to wages during your injury (when you cannot work) is a different claim from the discrimination. Any compromise on either will only affect that one case.

Of course, if the employer is predicating the dropping of the discrimination claim in exchange for no longer opposing the workers comp claim, I recommend you get this in writing. DO WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO DO TO GET THIS IN WRITING. Verbally agree to everything and, when it comes time to sign, ask them to sign first and walk out with the document unsigned by you.

This is a serious matter. they may not ethically dispute your wc claim as a 'bargaining chip'.

At the very least, you must establish this unethical behavior for the NY Bar Association Disciplinary Committee.

2) the wc and the discrimination claims are separate and you may pursue each concurrently.

3) The issue of light work is another question. As an independant contractor, you may work without impairing your wc benefits (they are ofset). But if you are on someone else's payroll as an employee, that will have an impact.

4) If your settlement includes qualifying you for wc benefits, then the SIF will pay all of your reasonable and related medical bills.

I hope I have undersdtood the facts of your case and your questions properly. I have a feeling I may not have. In the interest of providing accurate and worthwhile answers to you, you are welcome to meet with me.

You are welcome to a consultation for no fee at my offices at 42 west 44th street, NY,NY. Please call for an appointment first (646) 591-5786.

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Answered on 12/12/03, 2:16 pm

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