Legal Question in Consumer Law in North Carolina

Enterprise just scammed me out of $127.37 plus the $50 already paid. There is no paper work or receipts sent to me. They changed the agreement behind the scenes, in this case the Return date was changed. The original Return date: 3/13/25. They changed this to 2/24/25 without notice, warning. This resulted in the $127.37 charge which I found on my account, late Saturday evening 3/1/2025. Again Enterprise haven't sent no kind of paper work, receipts for the transactions or rental to me. It's kind of like they're saying: We're going to charge you what we want to. Have anybody ever explained the definition of 'Fraud' to Enterprise? If they knew the car was to be returned on 2/24 why didn't the Branch manager of Washington NC contact me before 3/1, a whole week after I received his email? This was a planned scheme.

Asked on 3/02/25, 6:12 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Lynn Coleman Attorney-Mediator

You need to dispute the charge through your bank or credit card company. This is the most efficient way to get your money back. You can also file a complaint with the North Carolina Attorney General's office Consumer Protection Division at Backdating paperwork is wrong, but suing them for this makes no economic sense. You can also complain to Corporate and on social media.

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Answered on 3/03/25, 12:42 pm

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