Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in North Carolina
Can I get my money back from a Promisary Note?
I got a $2000 loan for my ex-boyfriend but I made him write a promisary note that said he would pay it off at tax time. He gave me $50 towards this loan and I have had to keep up the payments since. Should I pay the loan off then take hime to court or vice versa? How possible is it to get my money back or should I let it go?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Can I get my money back from a Promisary Note?
You could take him to small claims court. It would be impossible to comment on your specific situation without knowing all the facts and seeing all the documents.
It sounds as if you are responsible for the loan to another company and your ex-boyfriend may be responsible to you. If that is the case, the other lender is not going to care about your ex-boyfriend - they just want to be paid so you probably should keep up the payments and sue your ex-boyfriend.
Winning your case may or may not be easy but collecting on a judgment is a whole different matter.
Again, for your specific case, you would need to consult with an attorney for specific advice.