Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in North Carolina
owe money
the hospital is taking me to court for a small claim i owe them $1708 i have offered to pay them $10 a month and they said no i had to pay it in half or full. so i did not send them nothing or i did not call them back becuase i did not have the money. with a small claim what can happen to me will they let me make a payment plain and if in court i say ok i will give you lets say 200 now in court and make payments will that work. and also could they send me to jail please help
Asked on 3/25/08, 7:42 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Jeff Rosner
Rosner Law Firm P.A.
Re: owe money
They can't send you to jail. Please find a legal assistance center in your area and speak with someone there about your rights.
Answered on 3/26/08, 7:36 am