Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in North Carolina

If I recieved a judgement from a credit card co,and i need to fill out the exempt forms for the court,can they take my house,cars,and bank accounts?

Asked on 2/20/12, 11:20 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Yes, you need to fill out the exemptions and you have 20 days to do that after receipt. If you do not do that the exemptions that are granted are waived, meaning that the sheriff can take any assets that you do not protect by filling out the forms.

If you do not fill out the exemptions, then the creditor can levy on your bank accounts and any assets that are owned free and clear. I can assist you in completing the form for a reasonable fee. I can also provide you with asset protection strategies as well as assist with resolution of your debts. Please contact me at [email protected] if interested.

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Answered on 2/20/12, 2:59 pm
Lynn Coleman Attorney-Mediator

I agree with Rachel. You should timely file the form. A licensed attorney can help you by giving you the forms properly filled out, plus additional affidavits to protect your bank accounts. If you don't file the forms on time or file them incorrectly, your property might be at risk. Most people do not own any property that can be taken if these forms are filed on time, the right way.

If you absolutely have no money at all to hire an attorney please contact the Legal Aid office in your community. Legal Aid sometimes has clinics where they will help people fill these forms out. The forms are due 20 days after you were served, so please take care of this ASAP.

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Answered on 2/20/12, 5:26 pm

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