Legal Question in Criminal Law in North Carolina

arrest warrants

My son was trying to get his roommate out of the street and back in her home. She was drunk and trying to fight her neighbor who lived across from her. During this time my son--name removed--roommate said something that angered the other woman--name removed--husband. The husband jumped over his fence, ran into the street and tried to hit my son--name removed--roomate. My son hit the man twice. The police and ambulance were called. The man went to the hospital for medical treatment. The police officer did not arrest my son due to the fact that they believed my son acted in self defense and even the injured man--name removed--wife agreed with the events stated here. Six weeks later my son--name removed--roommate was arrested and she said they had an arrest warrant for my son as well. I--name removed--not sure i believe it. She wanted him back there to testify on her behalf and was making frantic calls to me. My son had moved back home(in la)with us four weeks after the event occured. The Magistrate--name removed--office in NC will not tell him if there is a warrant. They say he has to cone in. What does he do? Give up his job just to travel all the way back to NC only to find out that one doesn't exist? What do we do?

Asked on 12/18/03, 3:19 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Nick Pizzolatto, Jr. Pizzolatto Law Office

Re: arrest warrants

If he has not received a subpoena (which he probably would not have to honor anyway) or notification of pending charges against him, then I would not worry about it. If you can't stop worrying, then I would call an attorney who can call local law enforcement and they can check with NC to see if there is anything outstanding. If you know a police official, then they might do it for you. BTW, what was the roommate charged with. If it is disorderly conduct or public drunkenness, then there is not much a witness could do for her.

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Answered on 12/18/03, 5:37 pm

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