Legal Question in Criminal Law in North Carolina

youthful offender first time

My 17 year old son was caught taking cold medication from a grocery store. He had not left the store so the citation only states concealed merchandise. This is his first and only offense. The officer said he would receive a fine and community service when he goes to court. Should we hire an attorney to come with us?

Asked on 1/06/04, 8:00 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jim Griffin The Law Office of James L. Griffin

Re: youthful offender first time

This is a Class 3 misdemeanor. He will only receive a fine and at least 24 hours of community service-this time. However, being a lawyer and knowing what I do about the system, I never recommend anyone charged with a criminal offense to represent themselves. A Lawyer may be able to have the fine minimized and the community service capped at 24 hours. But, since this is only a class 3M, there is only so much that the DA can do. The choice I guess would be yours.

If you would like some free information that would enable you to receive legal information and legal representation for your family, including your 17 y.o. for any legal questions/issues that might arise in the future, you can e-mail me at:[email protected].

Jim Griffin

Attorney at Law

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Answered on 1/06/04, 9:22 pm

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