Legal Question in Family Law in North Carolina
Do I need permission to move out of state with my child if the other parent is hardly in the picture and only calls or text like every 4 months and doesn't pay child support and we were never married
1 Answer from Attorneys
Depends if the other parent is on the birth certificate or has otherwise had paternity established. If not, then you do not need permission. If so, then from the circumstances as you describe them, you probably could leave the state with no problems but you would be taking a risk of violating federal and / or state parental kidnapping laws by crossing state lines with the child. So basically in your situation, if you can get permission, it would be a good idea but if you can't the other parent seems dead beat enough that they likely would not even care let alone bother to try and get you in trouble through a legal process that would likely also bring child support enforcement and / or other nasty consequences down on them. Best of luck to you!