Legal Question in Family Law in North Carolina
My wife and I have adpoted our two grandchildren, they now want to go live with their bologial paternal grandfather. how can we make this happen and be released on any legal responsibility without requiring him to adopte them. We live in NC
1 Answer from Attorneys
By releasing yourself from legal responsibility, what do you mean? You adopted the children. You have the duty to support them and that does not happen until they are age 18. You do not indicate how old the children are or why they want to live with the paternal grandfather. Are they juvenile delinquents? Are others likely to be harmed or have their property damaged? In NC, their are limits as to what a parent or guardian can be held financially responsible for if injuries are caused by their chidren. However, if custody is removed by court order or contract, you are not liable. I do not know where the paternal grandfather lives or the laws of that state if it is outside of NC.
A custody agreement could be drawn up granting the paternal grandfather custody and giving him the right to seek medical care for the children.