Legal Question in Immigration Law in North Carolina
malicious prosecution
my father was investigated and substantiated against for sexual abuse of my 4 children by social services. i ask him to stay away and he refused. i then obtained a protective order. shortly after he violated twice .we have been to court on the first violation and it was dismissed because the da dismissed it even though i had police officers willong to testify. we are about to go to court march 6 on the second charge and the da refuses to supeona any witnesses so the case will i feel be dismissed. In the meen time i have been served with a maliciuos prosecution suit by my father. what can i do i have no money and all the attorneys want 10 thousand to hel-p me.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: malicious prosecution
repost this question under the categories civil law or criminal law so that other attorneys can see it. Not sure what this has to do with immigration law.