Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in North Carolina


I wanted to know if my landlord mad a typo on the lease saying our lease was from oct 1st 2012 and ended sep 28th 2012, can she sue me if i wanted to break the lease being that by HER terms with the dates _we moved out before we even moved in? also, doesn't that mean we're basically leasing on a month-to-month lease since there was a date typo on the landlords behalf?

thanks in advance for your help.

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i moved into this duplex oct, of 2012 with 2 roommates that were once my bestfriends. things aren't working out. they threaten me and taunt me every day. I really need to break my lease.

Asked on 2/19/13, 12:54 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Kenneth Love Ken Love Law

Probably not. There is a concept under the law called a mutual mistake, if both parties knew the lease was to be for a year and the LL accidentally put 2012 instead of 2013, the Court would hold that the lease meant 2013. Because the lease ended before it started, you would have a hard time showing that you never intended to have a year lease.

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Answered on 2/19/13, 1:03 pm

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