Legal Question in Mediation in North Dakota
I have lived with my botfriend for 21 years and we hav been engaged for 15 of them years. He has been physically and mentally abusive to me and daughter but she is now 21 years of age. We have acrued properties and 2 other business's. I help with everything but run the limousine service on my own and usually am working 40 hours a week. I have worked very hard for him and don't get paid for this work. I have consulted 3 local attorneys and was told I have no rights to anything since the properties, limousines and accounts are in his name. I am wanting to get out of the relationship but am 46 years of age and now have back problems and had surgerys to try and correct them. In other words I don't feel capable of starting all over again and feel I should have the right to end the rotten relationship I'm in but want my share of property and what not to start over. I keep running into dead ends and I am scared to do this but if I found an attorney that is capable of at least 90% success or at least contingency I think I would do it.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Your problem isn't attorneys, the law has no provisions for you to obtain any of the property unless its in your name.
If he has been physically abusive to you, you can file a police report, he would be charged with a crime, and this can have long term consequences, but likely wouldn't result in any long jail sentence. Unless the physical abuse is very severe.