Legal Question in Business Law in Ohio

I was contracted to find skilled labor for a company. When I brought the workers in to do the job the forman I found and one of management started talking about how this foreman could preform the labor services by himself without my company. The member of management let the foreman give him multiple bids until he was cheaper than my rates. My question is what legal steps can I take?

Asked on 4/22/11, 8:15 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

It depends on what if any contracts you had with the company. If you had won a contract with the company prior to getting the labor, then essentially the company went back on the contract, you might have an action for breach against the company.

If there was no contract with the company and you got the labor to present as part of your bid to the company, then you might have an action against the foreman.

You are going to need to sit down with an attorney to discuss this situation and see just what rights and options you have.

Feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss your situation in more detail.

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Answered on 4/22/11, 8:41 am
Kevin B. Murphy Franchise Foundations, APC

As a Franchise Attorney I agree with the other attorney answer. What does your contract say about this issue? There is also the standard of good faith and fair dealing to consider, if your contract does not address the issue directly. Consult with a good business or franchise attorney in your area for specific advice and to write a demand letter.

Mr. Franchise - Kevin B. Murphy, B.S., M.B.A., J.D.

Franchise Foundations, a Professional Corporation

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Answered on 4/24/11, 8:01 am

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