Legal Question in Business Law in Ohio

I reside in Ohio. I am starting a business which requires the delivery of good to other local area businesses. If I have people making deliveries and I am paying simply per delivery (not hourly or wage...per diem really) do I need to insure them through my company vehicle or just make sure THEY care their own insurance?


Asked on 11/06/09, 9:43 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

If you already have an insurance carrier, I would first speak to them about your arrangement. They should be able to tell you what you need to do from an insurance standpoint.

It sounds like you are wanting to treat the people who make the deliveries as independent contractors. As such, you could require them to carry their own insurance. There are various factors that you need to look at to see whether the delivery people would be contractors or employees, ranging from how much instruction/control you have over them, whether the vehicles they drive bear the name of your company, and how they are paid.

The answer to your question is too complex for this forum. To be able to get a complete answer, you need to meet with an attorney to discuss your situation and have him or her advise you based on the whole picture.

Good luck.

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Answered on 11/11/09, 11:28 am

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