Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Ohio
One of three college roommates had his Mom drive from Alabama to Ohio to use her credit to purchase a $5700 dog for the other roommate, whom has a disability and felt he needed a dog. Which she did without any communication with my grandson or myself and took loans out for a $5700 dog for unemployed college students. The agreement was the roommates would all help with payments which was never met. I have made over half the payments and she expects me to pay the rest. She did type up something and had me sign it or she was taking the dog. I'm a senior on a fixed income and feel I shouldn't be responsible for the whole amount. I feel she will take it to court. Am I really responsible for the rest?
1 Answer from Attorneys
If you did not have any direct dealings with her regarding this matter, but just helped out with the payments because you were sympathetic to her situation, then you have no responsibility to continue to guarantee your grandson's obligation (if he even has one). If she takes you to court, it would likely be in the small claims court since the jurisdictional limit of that court is $6000.00 and it is made for people who are not disputing large amounts of money and can't afford lawyers.