Legal Question in Criminal Law in Ohio


Today after school, I was questioned by a detective regarding an assault that happened to a young lady on her way home. Her and I walk the same way, and according to the officer she was accusing me directly by name. He proceeded to interrogate me, and his partner interrogated my girlfriend who was waiting for me. He stated that he had enough information to arrest me, but did not. He is now asking me to come into the police station and make a recorded statement on Monday. If I do so, should I hire an attorney before making the statement, or should I wait and see if they press formal charges?

Asked on 3/14/08, 12:13 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Assault

You should definite speak with an attorney before you do anything. There are few good reasons to make voluntary statements to the police. You will normally only hurt yourself by saying something they will end up using against you.

My general feeling is that if they really had enough to arrest you, then they would have. The fact that they did not and are asking you for help tells me they probably don't have enough for an indictment and want to see if you will unwittingly make the rest of their case for them.

I suggest finding and calling an attorney today. You may not be able to get in to see him or her until next week, but you should still schedule an appointment anyway. Most likely the attorney will tell you to cancel your appointment with the police.

If you have any further questions or would like to discuss your situation in more detail, feel free to contact me.

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Answered on 3/14/08, 8:25 am

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