Legal Question in Criminal Law in Ohio

direct indictment

my son was arrested for theft, and the charges were dississed-direct indictment. i'v been following his case on fcmc until it was dismissed. what court does his case go to after he is indicted? is there a public access to that court?

Asked on 3/06/09, 10:08 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Re: direct indictment

In your son's case, it sounds like charges were initially brought in the municipal court, probably either through a warrant or arrest at the time of the incident. Municipal courts cannot hear felony cases though. Since the charges were dismissed for future indictment, that tells me that the charges against your son were felony-level charges.

Felony charges must be brought in the common pleas court. Normally this is done through an indictment by a grand jury. When/if an indictment is returned against your son, a new case will be opened up in the common pleas court, and he should get notice from that court.

I assume that you meant the Franklin County Municipal Court by "fcmc." If so, the new court would be the Franklin County Common Pleas Court. The website is

If you have any further questions or would like to discuss your son's specific case in more detail, feel free to contact me.

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Answered on 3/06/09, 10:55 am
Joseph Jacobs Jacobs & Lowder

Re: direct indictment

to the county common pleas court....feel free to contact me directly for any more guidance....216.952.1990

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Answered on 3/06/09, 11:22 pm

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