Legal Question in Criminal Law in Ohio

explain to me please?

my friend went to jail about five months ago and until like three weeks ago he had his first court hearing and they told him to come back in two and he hasnt went back yet....and his court case is labled as dimissed direct indictment...and they still didnt give him any jail time to serve...can you tell me what could happen or whats going on?

Asked on 9/19/07, 7:18 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: explain to me please?

Your friend is likely going to be charged with a felony in the common pleas court.

The court your friend likely went to for his hearing was the local municipal court (called a county court in some counties). In Ohio, municipal courts only handle misdemeanors and common pleas courts handle felonies.

If a person is to be charged with a felony, he or she can initially be arraigned in the municipal court, especially if the person was arrested. Since the municipal court cannot deal with felonies though, the person must be sent over to the common pleas court. Usually to do this, the municipal court will "dismiss" its case so the common pleas court can then issue an "indictment" and open a case for the felonies against the person.

If you or your friend have further questions, feel free to contact me.

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Answered on 9/20/07, 12:46 pm

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