Legal Question in Criminal Law in Ohio

hit by a car

If Im walking in a parking lot where I work ...whos responsible

Asked on 3/15/07, 12:39 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

David Davies Law Office of David H. Davies

Re: hit by a car


A person who operates dangerous equipment (that includes motor vehicles) must use due regard for the safety of others. That includes the duty to look around to see if someone is walking in unexpected places.

There are a lot of issues in this relatively simple question.

How old is the person who was injured?

Did someone step out unexpectedly from between parked cars?

What were the lighting conditions?

I guess the answer to the question is : It depends!

I am sure this response just leaves you with more questions. You should talk directly to an attorney who has experience with negligence law and injury claims. Most law offices (including mine) will be happy to meet with you or talk to you on the telephone on injury claims-no charge or obligation.

I have been representing injured clients for over 30 years and will be happy to discuss this with you if you want to give me a call. In any event your best bet is to talk to an attorney directly- call and take advantage of the free advice!



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Answered on 3/18/07, 12:28 pm

Re: hit by a car

This is probably a civil law question as opposed to a criminal law one. There could be several parties civilly liable. Most likely the driver of the car will have some liability. The company where you work, or at least whoever owns the parking lot, may also be liable depending on if there was some condition that helped lead to the accident.

From the civil standpoint, I would recommend speaking with a lawyer as you may be entitled to compensation for any injuries you might have sustained from the car. If the driver was insured, the accident may be covered under the driver's policy.

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Answered on 3/15/07, 2:21 pm

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