Legal Question in Criminal Law in Ohio

Off the Hook?

I received two tickets while tailgating before a football game. Underage consumption and paraphernalia. I was cuffed searched and then released and allowed to attend the game. However, I was given the Officer's and Defendant's copies of the ticket for paraphernalia. Did the cop let me off the hook for the paraphernalia ticket by giving me both ticket slips regardless of whether it was intentionally or not? Or does it not even matter since they have my evidence and the ticket from the underage drinking has all my information. Thanks.

Asked on 10/04/07, 3:13 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Off the Hook?

Provided you do not have the original the officer wrote on, he can still submit the ticket. He either will not have a copy for himself, or he could have xeroxed the original before submitting it. It was most likely inadvertent that he gave you both copies. Just getting his copy by itself is probably not enough to get the ticket dismissed.

Of course, there is a chance that he will only submit the underage ticket. You can call the clerk's office or check the clerk's website to see if both charges are listed for you. If only the underage is there, you may have gotten lucky.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.

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Answered on 10/04/07, 3:25 pm

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