Legal Question in Criminal Law in Ohio

lawyer needed

Does my son need a lawyer at his arraignment hearing?

Asked on 10/21/07, 9:53 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Joseph Jacobs Jacobs & Lowder

Re: lawyer needed

He can always ask for a continuance to get a lawyer, but if all else fails he just simply needs to plead not guilty at this point. It wasnt clear from your question whether it was a felony or a misdemeanor for which he was charged. That matters, so please feel free contact me directly. 216.952.1990

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Answered on 10/22/07, 9:22 pm

Re: lawyer needed

A lawyer is not essential at an arraignment, and in fact many times people do not get a lawyer until after the arraignment since arraignments come quickly after an arrest or citation.

However, if you are going to be getting your son a lawyer, it is best that you do so as soon as possible so the lawyer can be involved from the beginning. He or she may be able to work things out at the arraignment instead of having to wait until a pre-trial hearing. From a practical standpoint, a lawyer will most likely charge you the same whether you hire him or her before or after the arraignment, so it just makes sense to have them do as much as possible for the money you are paying them.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.

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Answered on 10/21/07, 10:23 pm

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