Legal Question in Criminal Law in Ohio

Offender is Being Charged with two counts of assult on a peace officer harrasment by an inmate resisting arrest and obstructing official business. Offender never assulted the officer, infact they assulted him, leaving him with stiches on the head, torn tendens in his left foot and 12 lumps on the head. The officers had no contutions. How do we fight this case so the offender is not charged with three felonys for something he did not do.

Asked on 2/16/10, 5:16 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Edward DiCato Edward DiCato Attorney at Law

It is a two prong attack. You first fight the criminal case. Either getting the charges dismissed or taking it to trial (I imagine that the testimony at trial should be very intresting). Then persue a civil suit against the city i.e. police force for civil rights violations, if possible. Please feel free to conatct me if you have further questions. Ed DiCato

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Answered on 2/21/10, 7:13 pm

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