Legal Question in Criminal Law in Ohio


I am a recently divorced mother of three. I have had a littany of bill come due and I did something stupid. I stole around $7000 from my employer over a 4 year period. I am not a bad person and I have no criminal record at all. Will I go to prison? I can't bear the fact of not seeing my kids. Please help!!

Asked on 10/01/07, 10:56 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Mark Chuparkoff Chuparkoff & Chuparkoff

Re: Theft

Hard to tell if you will go to prison. Obviously, what you did is a significan offense. Your future depends on what your employer would like to see happen, what sort of previous record you have and a littany of other things. I suggest contacting a lawyer ASAP.

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Answered on 10/01/07, 11:02 am

Re: Theft

Theft of over $5,000 would put you at a fourth degree felony. The maximum penalty for a fourth degree felony is eighteen months in prison and a fine of $5,000 (not including the $7,000 you will likely have to pay back). The exact sentence will depend on the judge and whether the prosecutor is willing to give you a plea deal.

Particularly if you have been charged, you should get a lawyer to represent you. He or she can try to get you the best plea deal and most lenient sentence possible.

If you have further questions, feel free to contact me.

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Answered on 10/01/07, 11:21 am

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