Legal Question in Criminal Law in Ohio


What wiil happen to someone who was issused a warrant in 8/2003 and just found out about it? The warrant was issused from National City Bank for and need some legal advice about to what to do? This is a felony 5 case and according to the internat the case was closed can you please answer this to the best of your ability.

Asked on 3/27/07, 1:12 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Re: Theft

If there is an outstanding warrant for you, the best thing to do is immediately sit down and talk with any attorney. With an outstanding arrest warrant, you can be arrested at any time - that includes a traffic stop or if you call the police for something.

You will need to appear in court to face the theft charge in order to get the warrant lifted, and the attorney can discuss how you will go about that and can be present with you throughout the process.

I realize this isn't very detailed, but contacting and retaining an attorney as soon as possible is your best option at this point, because the longer things proceed the worse the situation for you can become. If you have any other questions or to schedule a consultation, feel free to contact me.

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Answered on 3/27/07, 1:59 pm
Mark Chuparkoff Chuparkoff & Chuparkoff

Re: Theft

You need a lawyer to lift the warrant. Then, once the actual file is in the attorney's hands, he/she will be better able to help you.

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Answered on 3/27/07, 5:19 pm

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