Legal Question in Criminal Law in Ohio

Today I found out that I have 3 warrants from Dec. 5, 2008 which is almost 4 years ago. The warrants are for menacing by stalking, aggravated menacing, and telecommunication harrassment. I have no clue what these warrants are about or where they came from but whats the punishment on this with it being 4 years later and whats the statue of limitations on these?

Asked on 7/12/12, 4:34 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Joseph Jacobs Jacobs & Lowder

The statute of limitations does not apply to situations where a warrant has been issued. In the eyes if the law, "running away" doesnt save you. Not that you were, but your un-availability doesnt help you get rid of this.

Since it has been 4 years, the "victim," whoever that is, will be less likely to want to continue to pursue this issue, which makes it more likely that the prosecutor will be willing to make a quicker deal once you make contact with that office. I would suggest using an attorney to make contact to discover as much as possible about the offenses before you make any appearance. Then, a deal can be struck prior to your appearance in court.

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Answered on 7/13/12, 5:15 am

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