Legal Question in Criminal Law in Ohio

I have violated my probation

I was orginally charged with a a felony but plead down to a misdeminor,in the state of ohio after being sentenced i returned to NYC where Iam orgianlly from I want to get this situation straighten out how can I? I was told that I violated probation but I will not return to Ohio because there is now a warrant for my arrest ......what should I do?

Asked on 4/16/07, 12:24 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Re: I have violated my probation

The first thing you need to do is contact a criminal defense attorney in the city in Ohio where the court is located. If you have violated your probation, then you will be required to appear in court to answer to the supposed violation. An attorney can first tell you if a probation violation has been issued against you and if so what sort of penalty you might be facing for a violation.

If you remain in New York, the court in Ohio still has the power to bring you back from New York to answer to the violation. If you would like to get the situation straightened out, your best course of action is to have an attorney speak with the court to set a court date for you and to try to get the arrest warrant lifted.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.

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Answered on 4/16/07, 3:05 pm
Willard Hanner Hanner Law Firm

Re: I have violated my probation

It depends. What county in Ohio are you dealing with?

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Answered on 4/16/07, 9:02 pm

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