Legal Question in DUI Law in Ohio

Can a passenger be charged with leaving the scene of an accident?

I was currently in a car accident where i was in the back seat, and my two friends were up front. We was all drinking and we hit the back of a parked car. There were no injuries but one of the passengers left before police arrived. Can he be charged with anything?

Asked on 4/05/09, 5:19 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Can a passenger be charged with leaving the scene of an accident?

Under state law, the driver of the vehicle is required to either stay at the scene or provide the owner of the other vehicle his/her contact information. There really isn't any similar law for passengers. So the passenger who left the scene probably wouldn't be charged with leaving the scene.

However, there could be other charges the police could file against him, such as open container. It depends on what the other people in the car told the police about the person who left.

If you or your friend have any further questions or would like to discuss the situation in more detail, feel free to contact me.

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Answered on 4/05/09, 5:30 pm

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