Legal Question in Family Law in Ohio

Acess to Confidental Adoption Records

In June 1998 I gave birth to a baby which was adopted by private adoption. The father of the baby abandoned me in Jan 98. His ex-girlfriend, a licensed LPN, aquired confidential medical records about me and the baby from the hospital where I gave birth. She then posted this info on a computer bulletin board and called my employer and friends to tell them. Did she break a law? Can her nursing license being withdrawn? Did the hospital break a law--I had requested confidential status there and did not release my medical records to anyone. In fact I refused to sign the release. Please help, I have had to move, lost my job and most of my support system because of this. I have tried to ignore it but it is still going on. She is now attempting to contact my teenaged sons.

Asked on 11/29/98, 8:53 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jonathan Schiff Self employed

Re: Acess to Confidental Adoption Records

Well, she most likely committed a misdemeanor by releasing confidential adoption records. Beyond that, I would contact the licensing board that issues the LPN license. I don't know how well they police the profession, but certainly her license should be forfeit for that kind of malicious act. You also probably can file a lawsuit based on the damages that have resulted from this invasion of your privacy (although I don't know deep her pockets are as far as collecting on it goes).

Jonathan Schiff

Self employed

605 Rose Hill Ave

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Answered on 1/16/99, 4:05 pm

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