Legal Question in Family Law in Ohio

Adult children and court ordered paternity testing

I found my birth father about 7 years ago thanks to the internet, unfortunately when I called his home only his wife would speak to me and she said just leave us alone he says your not his so I did (I was just crushed I'd been of course dreaming of him for years ect...)I'm now 38 and he's 64 and divorced I have a phone number and an address but he still refuses to respond to me I KNOW he is my dad is their anyway to force him to take a paternity test? I would consider suing him to do so... I am so past hurt I just want him to know I am his.


--name removed--Babula

Asked on 10/11/05, 2:34 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Frank Rozanc Frank J. Rozanc, Esq.

Re: Adult children and court ordered paternity testing

In Ohio, the court loses jurisdiction to order paternity testing of a putative parent after the child turns 22, or 1 year after the child knew or should have known of the relationship.

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Answered on 10/11/05, 9:50 pm

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