Legal Question in Family Law in Ohio

Attorney does not seem interested in case

My husbands divorce was finalized in September. Since that time he has had a hard time getting his ex-wife to adhere to the decree. She has done things such as state that they are still married, and he is the responsible party for her newly obtained bills. She entered the house and took our work tools, and other items. The house was to be put on the market by a court approved realtor, which my husband tried to do, but his ex wouldn't sign the papers for it to be put on the market. We have been to our attorney and discussed contempt charges. He was to file those charges 6 weeks ago and has not done so yet. The ex wifes attorney and she have accused us of damaging the house to make it worth less than appraised for when in fact we have put money into it to make it worth more than the market value. ( The appraisal and market value are 2 very different amounts) Our attorney never sent a response as he said he would denying that we have damaged the house. Now they have decided to take us to court because of the alleged damge and because the house has not been put up for sale. Our attorney does not return calls, nor has he done any of the thins he has said he would. Any advice

Asked on 3/05/98, 1:47 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jonathan Schiff Self employed

Attorney doesn't respond

This seems to be a common problem. I think you need to look for a new attorney. Believe me there are a lot of attorneys around who do domestic relations. Call the Bar to find one or ask around. Unfortunately, law is a lot like many other businesses these days

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Answered on 3/06/98, 11:10 am

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