Legal Question in Family Law in Ohio
gave up my rights
I have a co-worker who has given up all his rights to his little son because he didn't want a nasty battle with his ex-wife, and my question to you , Can he resume his rights without including his son in a heated battle? I think that his wife makes more money than he does, but he works full time and he is a good father, but he assumed that she had more power than he, so he gave up too easily. So what can he do?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: gave up my rights
The Court always maintains jurisdiction on issues concerning children. If he wants to resume a relationship with his child he needs to file a motion for parenting time(the new verbiage for visitation) If he has not seen his child in quite some time the Court may order limited or supervised visitation until the child gets used to him. This all dependent upon the father not having a problem which would prevent visitation such as a prior conviction for a sex offense or domestic violence, etc.
Good luck!!!