Legal Question in Family Law in Ohio
husband wants custody of son
my wife had her son from a previous relationship taken by the courts due to her having a herion addiction. she is using again. how hard would it be for me to get custody of the son we have together? we are married, but splitting due to her constant relapses.
Asked on 8/15/07, 11:57 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Nancy Fioritto Patete
Nancy Fioritto Patete, Esq.
Re: husband wants custody of son
If this is the case, you should try to get custody, although it is difficult to say whether you will because you are not the natural father. It depends how long you have been in the child' life, to what extent, and the role his natural father has played in all of this. The court would probably allow your wife visitation, maybe supervised, maybe not.
Answered on 8/16/07, 7:52 am