Legal Question in Family Law in Ohio

I have been married for 1 1/2 yrs. Our daughter was born 1/21/09. My wife moved out in May stating she needed her space and wanted to be alone for a while. I am currently unemployed, collecting unemployment benefits, therefore, I am watching the kids all day. I have the kids 3/ a week and every other weekend. My wife is a nurse practitioner in psychiatry and makes pretty good money. She wants total custody of the two girls, I adopted her youngest daughter in May. She has been married once before. This is my first marriage. She cheated on me, then she moved out.She has not contributed anything to the care of the children. No money for food, clothing or utilities.

I'm not sure what my rights are. I would like the name of an attorney who can help me out. I don't know if I can just go to legal aid, because I do not have a job and cannot really afford an attorney.

I;'m just not sure what the law is concerning child custody.

Asked on 9/08/09, 6:16 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Dan Guinn Guinn Law Firm, LLC

Unfortuately, Legal Aid may or may not take your case. They are being picky right now. I would be happy to represent you and I only charge $50.00 per hour.

You do have rights, especially since the children are basically with you all of the time. Has a support order or custody order been made? Have you filed for divorce yet? If not, I suggest that this is where we need to start.

Feel free to contact me, free of charge, at or at 330-447-7634. I am happy to help in any way that I can.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.

Dan Guinn

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Answered on 9/12/09, 2:00 pm

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