Legal Question in Family Law in Ohio
Revoking parental rights
My 4 yr old sons bio-father has not been in his life since he was 4 months old. He thinks of my fiancee as his father because we have been together since he was 5 months old. His bio-father is in prison is a drug addict and an acloholic. He has writting to me telling me that he thinks he wants to give up his rights. Under Ohio law what are my chance's if he changes his mind about this happening. He is no good for my son. He was also very abusive. If I am able to revoke his rights my fiancee would like to adopt my son. Beside's blood they are father and son anyways. Should I persue this and is the law on my side. He has no contact with my son in anyway. Child support was never ordered so he doesn't even have contact in that manner. Also could I do this on my own. We don't have the money for an attorney.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Revoking parental rights
The primary way to revoke parental rights is to have someone adopt the child. This is done through the Probate Court in your county. The process may take up to 6 months and involves collection of quite a bit of data. You can do it on your own, but the process is cumbersome.
If there has been not contact with the natural father for at least one year, then you do not need to give him notice of the proceeding.