Legal Question in Family Law in Ohio
Yes Sir, My question is my 16 so to be 17 year old daughter lives with her mother. My daughter now wants to live with me but her mother said no way. What can I do? Or what can my daughter do to come live with me. My daughter stated that she thought that she can pick who she lives with at the age of 15 in Ohio. I also pay my ex-wife child support.
1 Answer from Attorneys
You need to file an action to get full custody of your daughter. One factor in your favor is that your daughter wants to live with you. If you get custody then your ex-wife would have to pay child support to you.
You will definitely want an attorney to represent you and I would be happy to do this.
Feel free to contact me, free of charge, at [email protected] or at 330-447-7634. I am happy to help in any way that I can.
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.
Dan Guinn