Legal Question in Family Law in Ohio
Standard visitation
The father of my 2 small children has standard visitation, but he is keeping my kids from almost everytime he gets them for the visitation. I was just wondering if I have to even let him get them since he is $2038.46 behind on child support? I have full custody yet he's confusing them badly by doing this to them. So i'm begging you please for some kind of advise, it does not seem like he should be able to get them being that far behind on child support. Thank you greatly,--name removed--
Asked on 12/25/06, 2:18 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Nancy Fioritto Patete
Nancy Fioritto Patete, Esq.
Re: Standard visitation
Falling behind in child support cannot be used as a reason to deny a parent's right to visitation. This matter should be taken back to court to resolve.
Answered on 12/26/06, 8:49 am