Legal Question in Family Law in Ohio

Unable to afford an attorney

What happens if I do not have the money to pay for my own attorneyin a divorce? Am I then at an unfair advantage representing myself? What if I don't agree with the divorce settlement, is it final no matter what I feel is fair?

Asked on 10/24/05, 11:11 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Frank Rozanc Frank J. Rozanc, Esq.

Re: Unable to afford an attorney

You are definitely at a disadvantage without an attorney, as you are held to the same rules and procedures as that atorney when representing yourself. In regard to a divorce "settlement", if you do not agree, then don't settle. If the court's judgment is unfavorable, then you can always go to the Court of Appeals. Unrepresented parties are given a little leeway, but that is no substitute for expert advice.

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Answered on 10/24/05, 2:07 pm

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