Legal Question in Family Law in Ohio

Vocational experts and demand for HIPPA release

Recently I underwent a vocational evaluation. The gentleman demanded that I sign a very generic release for so that he could release information, produce a report, and testify at a trial. He was hired by my spouse's attorney, yet claimed he worked for the court. What are my rights, as I refused to sign such a generic release. Furthermore, he refuse to give me a copy of the report.

Asked on 5/05/07, 3:14 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Edward DiCato Edward DiCato Attorney at Law

Re: Vocational experts and demand for HIPPA release

Unless the Court Ordered you to undergo the testing and release the information, you are not required to do so. There are several things you could do at this point, but I don't have enough information to suggest anything. I hope you have an attorney, it sounds like you really need one.

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Answered on 5/05/07, 11:06 pm
Nancy Fioritto Patete Nancy Fioritto Patete, Esq.

Re: Vocational experts and demand for HIPPA release

Any information used as evidence in court is required to be exchanged between the parties. If this evaluation is intended to be used in court, you are entitled to a copy. It sounds as though you aren't working with your own attorney. Perhaps you should consult one.

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Answered on 5/06/07, 8:32 pm

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