Legal Question in Employment Law in Ohio
I received a letter in the mail from a previous job saying that I owed them a substantial amount of money that they had paid me (an overpayment). What can I do to not have to pay this back, as it wasn't my fault to begin with? Needless to say, I am without a steady income at this time and going to school.
1 Answer from Attorneys
They need to have proof of this overpayment before they can make you pay it. Even then, if it was their mistake, then you are unlikely to have to pay it back. I would suggest a letter from an attorney and I would be happy to write this for you.
Feel free to contact me, free of charge, at or at 330-447-7634. I am happy to help in any way that I can.
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.
Dan Guinn
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