Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Ohio

I recently moved out of my apartment to which I had a roomate. When we first moved in we discussed verbally how much we would each pay for the rent. We never signed an agreement to which those terms were. In the last couple months, I was hit with an unfortunate events, to which I could not pay the rent for two months. My roomate was well aware of what happend and agreed that I would pay her when I could. Since I moved out, she was told by the landlord that she had to find a new roomate within 30 days (as of right now she is still in the process of finding or getting approve a new roomate). When I moved out I paid her August rent but still did not pay her for the two that I missed. I later found out from my landlord that I was not liable to pay her anything. Now I am recieve text messages from her, stating that she is going to have her laywers send me papers taking me to court. My first question is, to my knowledge I did not think that Lawyers got involved in civil case? My second question is does she have a case if we have no documents supporting our agreement?

Thank you for your time

Asked on 9/03/09, 6:26 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Dan Guinn Guinn Law Firm, LLC

Lawyers get involved in civil matters all of the time. She could take you to court but she would have to prove the existent of a contract.

I would suggest having an attorney write a letter to her. This may be able to scare her off. I would be happy to do it.

Feel free to contact me, free of charge, at or at 330-447-7634. I am happy to help in any way that I can.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.

Dan Guinn

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Answered on 9/06/09, 2:25 pm

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