Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Ohio
Do I have Tenants Rights?
It is Monday, and Airbnb has canceled my reservation due to late payment. The hosts of the room I have been renting stated that this is not a tenant-landlord situation, and that they would be "having me escorted" off the property Wednesday if I hadn't left by then. I am fairly positive that after 11 months of living here (9 months of payment) that I have infact established tenant's rights. But I want to consult a legal expert. LASCO's (Legal Aid Society of Columbus) intake calls have closed early, and I'm guessing I'll also run into this tomorrow. This is why I am reaching out to you guys. The rule of thumb would be 31 days, so it seems, but there doesn't seem to be anything directly stated for my county or even Ohio in General in relation to Airbnb specifically.
My obvious first question is do I have Tenant Rights currently? Either way, what should I do if the police come Wednesday to remove me? If I have established Tenant-hood, what should I say to them, if anything at all? If I don't have tenant rights, do I have rights at all in this scenario? And if any, are there ambiguities/discrepancies with the law that I should in fact make note of?
I have also asked AVVO, as this is somewhat pressing.
1 Answer from Attorneys
In Ohio, residential tenants who are not transient in nature (for instance, just spending a few nights at the holiday inn or a week at the ski lodge are not tenants. But at 11 months, you are certainly defined as a tenant under Ohio Revised Code Section 5321.01. You have all the rights outlined in Ohio Revised Code Section 5321.01 to 5321.18.
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