Legal Question in Personal Injury in Ohio

Personal injury

I was at a hotel with my husband and 2 children. We had the jaczzi suite and while I was exiting the jacuzzi I slipped on the ceramic tile and landed directly on my back. I am hurt pretty badly however I have not been to the doctor since this all happend lated last night. I am on my way there shortly. The jacuzzi has no slip guards on the stairs and has not handrail. When informing the night manager of the incident he did nothing short of asking if I as ok. We checked out shortly after because I was in so much pain and we live nearby (was just a getaway while my newly refinished hardwood dried) Upon check out My husband was told they would discount the room. They did not even bother to fill out and accident report. My question is are they liable for my doctors bills and prescriptions as well as the hotel room I am still being charged for?

Asked on 2/05/08, 9:05 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Personal injury

The hotel may be liable for damages that resulted when you slipped and fell. These damages could include doctor's bills, prescription, lost wages, etc. There could be other damages covered as well. Whether you would be able to recover the cost of the room would depend on the facts, and an attorney can help go over that with you.

For the hotel to be liable, you would need to show the hotel was negligent by not having slip guards or a handrail. You would also need to show you didn't do anything that would have contributed to the accident, such as drinking, trying to get out of the jacuzzi the wrong way, etc.

Make sure you keep records of all your medical and other expenses so you can provide them to your attorney. This includes such things as parking receipts, mileage if you had to travel to receive medical treatment, and other incidental costs you wouldn't have incurred if you wouldn't have gotten injured. If in doubt, save it, and an attorney can help weed out what can and can't be recovered. Remember, if you can't prove an expense, you can't recover it.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.

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Answered on 2/05/08, 10:33 am

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